Bulk mail isn’t always the most effective way to go. Neither is first class mail. It all depends on the other factors involved in your mailing. Have you ever wondered if you should be sending your mail out First Class when you’ve been mailing Bulk Mail for years? Or have you been paying higher postage […]
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Posts tagged "profit"
Why Some Prices Are More Right Than Others

The whole field of marketing is strongly based in psychology. And this is absolutely true when it comes to pricing strategy. We’re all familiar with price tags that read $9.99 or $19.99. Do these really move more product than tags reading $10 or $20? What about adding the decimal and zeros: $10.00 and $20.00? Does […]
direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, pricing, profit, testingHow do I know if my direct mail campaign was “successful”?

How do I judge whether or not my campaign worked? This is an important question to ask. Direct mail campaigns are expensive, and they serve a crucial function, which is to build your customer base and bring in an immediate influx of money. If your campaign isn’t effective, you’re losing money on the mailing itself […]
budget, campaign-results, direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, lifetime-value, profit, ROI, sales, trackingDirect Mail Is Better Than Ever. Here’s Why . . .

Fellow direct mailers . . . sometimes I like to remind you of what a great medium we have in direct mail. That’s because “snail mail” doesn’t get the respect it deserves today. Critics will say that in the 21st century other methods of communication are much more popular. There’s e-mail and texting and Facebook […]
benefits, campaign-results, direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, profitTurn a Loser into a Winner

The most successful promotion I’ve ever worked on – which brought in hundreds of millions of dollars – didn’t really “take off” until the fourth version of the brochure. My whole life would be different now if that company had stopped mailing after the third version and never mailed the fourth version. How do you […]
copywriting, direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, profit, sales-pieceDon’t Let Saturation Swamp Your Profits

Saturation can occur when you mail the same sales copy/package to the same group of prospects over and over. A saturated market isn’t a profitable one, so you want to avoid putting yourself in that position. There are a number of ways you can saturate your mailings. One of the most common ways is failing […]
direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, planning, profit, sequential-mailingCalculate Profit Without Indirect Costs

When tracking the profit of your direct mail campaigns, you basically look at your overall income from the campaign, minus the cost of printing and mailing your sales piece. It wouldn’t make sense to track how much you sold without how much it cost you. However, you do not need to include any kind of […]
campaign-results, direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, profit, trackingSell Like the Chinese: 4 Tips for More Profit

Even if your business never extends across US borders, you can learn something from the sales techniques in China. I’m fascinated by China’s role in the world. They have a love/hate relationship with a lot of countries – especially ours. I took my family to China a many years ago because we were adopting a […]
direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, profit, quick-tips, sales