Purchasing from a direct mail solicitation can be a bit of a gamble – or at least that’s the way it may appear to many potential buyers. The problem is one of “perceived risk,” and it can make a promising sale simply disappear. But there’s something direct mail marketers can do to alleviate a prospect’s […]
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Mixing Things Up – Creative Things You Can Mail

If you feel like your mailing results are on a downhill slide, you may mix things up a little bit and send out a mailing that is really different. One of the most critical aspects of your direct mail campaign is getting prospects to open and read your message. Being creative can intrigue prospects and […]
bonus, dimensional-mail, direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, give-away, mailing, types-of-mailingsGoing Green With Direct Mail

I’m often asked the following question: My retail business is very focused on being environmentally friendly. I successfully use direct mail to get new customers, but I’m concerned that using paper and ink may somehow be compromising my sincere intentions to run a “green” business. Any suggestions?” This is a great question. With growing awareness […]
direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, environmental-impactTurn Negatives into Positives

Since I am an optimist, I see the good and positive side of just about everything. I’m rarely negative. Although I always encourage people to have a positive outlook, I want to take a moment to mention there are times when you might want to be a bit negative. I’m not talking about having a […]
copywriting, direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, sales-pieceUse Direct Mail to Enhance Word of Mouth

One of the most effective ways to get a prospect to try a new product is to have it recommended by a friend. There are a couple of big advantages to using this kind of feedback. First, friends listen to friends and trust their opinions and recommendations more than they do an obvious advertisement. Second, […]
customers, direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, sales, word-of-mouthUse the Right Format for Your Offer

Options, options, options. There are so many direct mail formats to choose from: letters, postcards, magalogs, oh my! Some of them are perfectly suited for you, and others – not so much. Some pieces will work for certain products and offers, others will not. It’s time to start considering all the possibilities and make a […]
dimensional-mail, direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, letter-package, postcard, sales-pieces, self-mailerWork With the Seasons

Some direct mail marketers focus so much on WHAT they mail to WHOM, that they lose sight of another variable that’s just as important – and that’s WHEN they mail. In my experience, most industries have a good time of year to mail (when they get stellar results) … and a bad one (when you […]
direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, mailing, planning, seasonsStudy Other Companies

Other marketers may have great ideas for running direct mail campaigns – that you could benefit from. It’s not exactly cheating. After all, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. We’re all bombarded with marketing messages all the time. As a marketer yourself, you should start paying attention to them. See if you can pick […]
competition, direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, mailing-lists25 Direct Marketing Terms and Acronyms

AIDA: Gain ATTENTION, Create INTEREST, Build DESIRE, and Request ACTION. This acronym is a dynamic formula for writing great sales pieces. B2B: Business-to-Business. Refers to a type of business that markets to other businesses, rather than to consumers. An example would be a company that sells imprinted promotional items to businesses. B2C: Business to Consumer. […]
acronyms, direct-mail, direct-mail-basics, direct-mail-marketing, quick-tipsDevelop Your Back-End Product Line

Your House File Don’t ignore the people who have proven that they like you and want to give you their credit card number. These are people who have already bought from you and should be on your House File. Keep coming back to your House File with reminders of your products and services. Come up […]
back-end, customer-retention-path, customers, direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, sales-funnel