If you feel like your mailing results are on a downhill slide, you may mix things up a little bit and send out a mailing that is really different. One of the most critical aspects of your direct mail campaign is getting prospects to open and read your message. Being creative can intrigue prospects and […]
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Posts tagged "types-of-mailings"
Create Unique Envelope Packages
The biggest hurdle for an envelope sales package is getting the envelope opened. If the envelope is not opened, no sales will be made! We MUST make sure we find a way to get the envelope noticed, and it must intrigue prospects enough that they will want to open it. You must put serious thought […]
direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, sales-pieces, types-of-mailingsSend Dimensional Mail

Dimensional mail isn’t your standard letter or post card. Dimensional mail is much more exciting. It’s lumpy and bumpy. It’s unusual. It feels like a gift. The recipient picks up the envelope and it’s heavy. There’s obviously something different inside. What could it be? The curiosity about what it might be really gets people’s attention. […]
direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, sales-pieces, types-of-mailingsWrite a White Paper

You do hear about “white papers” a lot lately, although the expression goes back about 90 years. Originally the term referred to government documents that were concerned with policy analysis. Later the term was broadened to refer to any document with in-depth analysis of some social or governmental issue. Today the term is used more […]
copywriting, direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, sales-piece, sales-pieces, types-of-mailingsThe Shock and Awe Package

Your best prospects are people who have specifically requested information from you about your products and services, and/or people who have already placed an order with you. You can think of each prospective customer as a little seedling that you want to nurture with care and attention so that they will grow into a customer […]
dimensional-mail, direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, sales-pieces, shock-and-awe, types-of-mailingsPutting Together an Invitation Mailer

A number of my clients have been having great results using an attractive sales piece format known as the Invitation Mailer. This format fulfills a very specific purpose, and it’s not appropriate for every situation, but in the right circumstances it can bring you an amazing response. The mailer is made up of several different […]
direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, sales-pieces, types-of-mailingsIntrigue Prospects With a Tear Sheet

As direct mail marketers, we are always looking for ways to get prospects to open the envelope – and then actually read the sales piece. Sometimes our approach requires us to be a little more creative to grab the prospect’s attention. I want to share with you one method that I’ve used many times with […]
direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, sales-pieces, types-of-mailingsGet Your Postcard the Attention Your Business Deserves

Whoever thought you could do so much with a simple postcard? Nowadays the options for postcard mailers have grown by leaps and bounds. But more options means more planning on your part. If you want your postcard mailings to make a huge impression and really get noticed, you need to explore all the possibilities that […]
direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, personalization, postcard, purl, sales-pieces, types-of-mailings