There are tons of ways to get rid of a few customers, lower your income so you can pay less taxes, or prompt a “going out of business sale.” However, if you instead want to sell products and services, make more money, and grow your business, you should avoid driving you customers away. By knowing […]
Archive: May, 2015
3 Ways to Make the Most of Your House File
It is great to keep finding new buyers for your products or services. But in your search for new paying customers, don’t overlook your best source of future sales. I’m referring to people who have bought from you in the past, or who have at least made inquiries about you. This group of buyers and […]
direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, house-file, listsUse Direct Mail to Enhance Word of Mouth
One of the most effective ways to get a prospect to try a new product is to have it recommended by a friend. There are a couple of big advantages to using this kind of feedback. First, friends listen to friends and trust their opinions and recommendations more than they do an obvious advertisement. Second, […]
customers, direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, sales, word-of-mouthUse Good Grammar, Bad Grammar, But Not Ugly Grammar
Bad grammar is not always so bad. There are different kinds of grammar. There’s good grammar, there’s intentionally bad grammar (which sometimes has its place – especially in copywriting), and there’s ugly grammar – that’s just plain bad grammar that shows ignorance and casts a bad light on the writer. When you know what you’re […]
copywriting, direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, grammar