There will be times that you receive complaints about your direct mail campaign. In business you have to develop a bit of a thick skin. That means you have to learn to do what’s best for your business in spite of the fact that a few people may complain. Some people will always complain, no […]
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Posts tagged "house-file"
3 Ways to Make the Most of Your House File
It is great to keep finding new buyers for your products or services. But in your search for new paying customers, don’t overlook your best source of future sales. I’m referring to people who have bought from you in the past, or who have at least made inquiries about you. This group of buyers and […]
direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, house-file, listsUnderstand Front-End vs. Back-End
I have worked with some of the most successful direct marketing companies in the United States, and have studied the operations of many others. Just as successful people have traits in common, the most successful direct marketing companies have something in common. They follow a specific “success formula” for making tons of money via direct […]
back-end, direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, front-end, house-file, sales-funnel, sales-piece