Bulk mail isn’t always the most effective way to go. Neither is first class mail. It all depends on the other factors involved in your mailing. Have you ever wondered if you should be sending your mail out First Class when you’ve been mailing Bulk Mail for years? Or have you been paying higher postage […]
Archive: May, 2017
Don’t Let Time Killers Ruin Your Day

One of the biggest complaints I hear from small business owners and entrepreneurs is … there isn’t enough time in the day to do everything that needs to be done! This is something I struggle with as well. There never seems to be enough hours in the day! Time is valuable. And it is something […]
direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, get-organized, time-managementWrite Attention-Grabbing Headlines

The headline is the most important part of your sales letter or space ad. You could have the best advertising copy and the best product, but it doesn’t matter IF the reader doesn’t get past the headline. Changing the headline can make a huge difference in your response rate, even if you don’t change one […]
copywriting, direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, sales, sales-pieces, vendors