Your best prospects are people who have specifically requested information from you about your products and services, and/or people who have already placed an order with you. You can think of each prospective customer as a little seedling that you want to nurture with care and attention so that they will grow into a customer […]
Archive: April, 2015
3 Methods to Take Aim At Your Best Prospects
Are you mailing to your most likely prospects? If not, you’re not using your advertising budget most effectively. You wouldn’t sell the same products – or even sell the same products the same way – to this couple as you would to a group of teenagers. With a direct mail campaign, you have the ability […]
competition, customers, direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, modeling3 Steps to Get Your Mail into Their Hands
Sometimes dropping your mail off at the post office can feel like you’re throwing it into a vast abyss. Once it’s out of your hands, you have no more control over it. Will it get to real people, or will it end up in the dead letter office? Will the people who receive it read […]
data-hygiene, direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, lists, mailingPutting Together an Invitation Mailer
A number of my clients have been having great results using an attractive sales piece format known as the Invitation Mailer. This format fulfills a very specific purpose, and it’s not appropriate for every situation, but in the right circumstances it can bring you an amazing response. The mailer is made up of several different […]
direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, sales-pieces, types-of-mailings