Your House File Don’t ignore the people who have proven that they like you and want to give you their credit card number. These are people who have already bought from you and should be on your House File. Keep coming back to your House File with reminders of your products and services. Come up […]
Archive: August, 2014
3 Split Tests to Improve Your Mailings

Testing different aspects of your mailing is critical to your marketing success. To get you started, here are three aspects of your direct mail campaign you can test. The results could help you significantly increase your response rate in future mailings. Test Your Headline The headline is one of the most important parts of the […]
direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, mailing, testingThe Importance of Proofing

Did you hear the one about the direct mail marketer who sent out a piece with the wrong phone number? Sorry – there’s no punch line to this story. It’s just a very sad tale. Some lessons are just learned the hard way, but this one doesn’t have to be. Hopefully by reading this you’ll […]
direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, printing, proofing, sales-piece, vendors5 Steps to Find the Right Printer

Your sales piece, going out into thousands of homes, represents you and your business. So, you want it to look its best. You’re depending on your printer to provide an attractive, quality product. So choosing the right printer is critical. You need to go through a certain procedure to make sure you select a printer […]
direct-mail, direct-mail-marketing, printer, printing, quotes, vendor